Staff excellence: Academic and professional leadership and service

Arlene Salazar, librarian, was selected for the Texas State University Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award in 2020. The awards are given annually to one faculty member and one staff member who provide exceptional commitment to diversity and inclusion at Texas State University by promoting the university’s diversity goals. 

Dianna Morganti, research, instruction and outreach librarian, was elected to serve as treasurer for the Texas Library Association for the 2019-2020 academic year. 

Dianna Morganti, research, instruction, and outreach librarian, served as co-chair of the Texas Library Association’s Diversitu and Inclusion Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. Her responsibility was to ensure that the programming and activities of the Texas Library Association reflected the diversity of its surrounding communities. She was also responsible for updating the Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan. 

Ginger Williams, head acquisitions librarian, served as a juror for the Association for Collections and Technical Services’ ProQuest Coutts Innovation Award during the 2019-2020 academic year. Her responsibilities were to solicit nominations, review nomination packets, and select awardees. 

Jessica McClean, research, instruction and outreach librarian, participated in the Association of College and Research Libraries Science and Technology Section (STS) Membership Committee. The purpose of the committee is to maintain a history of STS committee participation; publish committee rosters for the STS Council; update and distribute the membership brochure; and actively recruit new members to STS. 

Jessica McClean, research, instruction and outreach librarian, was appointed co-chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries Science and Technology Section Research Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. She planned forums for meetings where science and technology librarians could share ideas about new directions in science librarianship, research in progress, and current topics of interest. 

Katie Salzmann, lead archivist for The Wittliff Collections, was selected for the Distinguished Service Award by the Society of Southwest Archivists for spring 2020. This award is presented to a member who has made significant contributions to the society and the wider archival profession. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, served as part of the Texas Digital Library’s Texas Data Repository Assessment Working Group for the 2019-2020 academic year. Her role in the working group was to prepare reports, analyze and update data for annual reporting of Texas Data Repository and each institutional member, and help coordinate annual meeting presentation. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, served as part of the Texas Digital Library’s DSpace Education Working Group for the 2019-2020 academic year. Her role in the working group was to provide documentation, training, and engagement initiatives about DSpace to Texas Digital Library members. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, served as part of the Texas Digital Library’s Open Journal Systems User Group for the 2019-2020 academic year. She attended monthly meetings, lead in-depth topic discussions as requested, contributed to documentation on Open Journal Systems version 3 and integrations with other systems. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, served as part of the Digital Frontiers’ Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 academic year. During this time, she attended quarterly meetings, advised on operational planning and new initiatives, and assisted with ongoing projects as needed. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, served as part of The Electronic Library’s Library Journal Editorial Advisory Board [Emerald Publishing] for the 2019-2020 academic year. During this time, she reviewed manuscripts (at least five per year) for the journal, provided second opinions on contradictory reviews, completed evaluations for annual article awards, participated in projects and edited special issues as needed. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, was elected chair for the Texas Library Association’s (TLA) Digital Libraries Round Table event for the 2019-2020 academic year. She planned and organized the annual conference sessions, led meetings, managed the annual budget, and collaborated with other TLA round tables and groups. She also provided outreach for member engagement activities and new members. 

Laura Waugh, digital collections librarian, was elected chair for the Texas Digital Library’s Texas Data Repository Dataverse Steering Committee. In this role, she prepared and led monthly meetings; served on project teams and workgroups; attended bi-weekly meetings; facilitated, reviewed, and updated the annual roadmap documentation for the coming year. 

Lauren Goodley, archivist for The Wittliff Collections, served as vice chair of the Texas Digital Library’s Awards Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. Her responsibilities were to review award descriptions, create and implement the outreach plan, review nominations, and select awardees. 

Lauren Goodley, archivist for The Wittliff Collections, was selected for the 2020 Innovation Awards Working Group by the National Digital Stewardship Alliance of the Digital Library Foundation. In this role, her responsibilities were to review nominations and select awardees of the 2020 Innovation Awards. 

Lynn Bostwickreference and instruction librarian in the Round Rock Campus Library, was elected to serve as the Texas Library Association’s (TLA) alternative councilor. In this role, she attended meetings and provided feedback on division operations and programming for TLA 2020. 

Mary Aycock, database and metadata management librarian, served as a representative of the American Library Association’s Continuing Resources Section Publication Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. As a representative, she attended meetings and reported back to the section. 

Sheila Torres-Blank, librarian, served as part of the HathiTrust Community Metadata Strategy Task Force during the 2019-2020 academic year. The Task Force was charged with looking at strategies for member-contributed metadata in light of the broader community metadata ecosystem. 

Stephanie Larrison, electronic resources librarian, served as the Texas Digital Library’s Vireo User Group Committee Co-Chair during the 2019-2020 academic year. In this role, her responsibility was to plan and conduct meetings for the Vireo Users Group. Vireo is an online Thesis & Dissertation Submission and Management system created by the Texas Digital Library. She is the only member of the Vireo Users Group Steering Committee who has served continuously since its inception in 2010. 

Tara Spies Smith, research, instruction and outreach librarian, participated in the Art Libraries Society of North America’s Editorial Board, for academic year 2019-2020, where she was appointed co-editor for the ARLIS/NA Graphic Novels SIG’s new publication Notable Graphic Novels Review. She would solicit for reviewers from ARLIS/NA, obtain review copies and images of cover art from publishers, mail review copies to reviewers, co-edit reviews, and publish Notable Graphic Novels Review that is linked on ARLIS/NA website. Notable Graphic Novels Review made official ARLIS/NA publication. 

Tricia Boucher, user experience librarian, served on the American Library Association’s Gaming Roundtable during the 2019-2020 academic year. As part of the round table, she created a community of practice for librarians interested in gaming of all types for their patrons and students. 

Tricia Boucher, user experience librarian, served on the EDUCAUSE Games & Learning Community Group Steering Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. In her role, she worked to provide members (and non-members) with a community of people interested in games and learning, and provided book clubs, webinars, and virtual gatherings. 

Tricia Boucher, user experience librarian, served on the Library Leadership & Management Association’s Assessment Community of Practice during the 2019-2020 academic year. In her role, she provided educational opportunities in assessment for ALA/LLAMA members. 

Tricia Boucher, user experience librarian, worked with faculty member Illysa Foster and was awarded the University Lectures grant to bring a prestigious speaker to campus for a topical lecture. Her work was backed by multiple departments and offered cross-departmental value. 

Tricia Boucher, user experience librarian, worked with faculty member Dr. Shirley Ogletree and was awarded the Common Experience grant to bring a speaker to campus for a lecture in line with the year’s Common Experience theme, “Truth.” Her work was backed by multiple departments and student groups. 


Scott Ayers is director of IT marketing and communications at Texas State University.